Sunday, September 27, 2020

October Much Needed Changes


In October I will be changing a few things, and they are as follows.

01 I will only be posting Gospel albums on Sundays.

02 I will be posting what links are due to expire to give you one last chance to download them. 

03 I am looking for contributors to help with these overwhelming requests, if not, than I either wont take requests or they will take forever to post, I literally have the same 3 people requesting, and before I can fulfill one, I already have 3 more from the same person. No one listens to music that fast.


  1. how do you want to help? through the chat box or become an official contributor? I only ask because not many people know how to work with blogger, and this new interface is unnerving. Thank you Cancer..

  2. I don't know much about blogger. I'm guessing in the chat box would be the easiest

  3. thank you again Cancer, it really means alot.
